%matplotlib inline
import pymc3 as pm
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import math
import seaborn as sns
import scipy.stats as st
"figure.figsize"] = (10,10)
plt.rcParams[from warnings import filterwarnings
'ignore') filterwarnings(
A lot is going on in this post, but our ultimate goal is to conduct a robustness study.
From the previous post, I looked at how to model customer late payment rates from a single distribution. Now I want to turn things up a notch and model it using a range of distributions from two different families.
To achieve this, we need to:
- Compute distributions of late fees rapidly.
- Compute the average late fee under a wide range of assumptions.
- Find the distribution of how frequent late payments are.
Obviously, I need a disclaimer. If you use anything I say as the basis for any decision, financial or otherwise, you are an idiot.
Improving performance
Direct Model
As part of our simulation, we need to know the distribution of late fees for any given probability of late payment.
We can directly model this in PyMC3, using the Binomial distribution to model the number of times someone makes a late payment. While this model directly models what happens in reality, it takes 3 seconds to generate 100,000 samples.
def create_late_fee_distribution(late_payment_probability, num_samples=100_000):
with pm.Model() as fee_model:
= 1 + pm.Binomial('number_of_delays_of_less_than_1_week', n=3, p=late_payment_probability)
number_of_delays_of_less_than_1_week = pm.Binomial('number_of_delays_of_more_than_1_week', n=number_of_delays_of_less_than_1_week, p=late_payment_probability)
number_of_delays_of_more_than_1_week = pm.Deterministic('total_fees',10 * number_of_delays_of_less_than_1_week + 7 * number_of_delays_of_more_than_1_week)
= pm.sample_prior_predictive(samples = num_samples, random_seed=0)
samples return(samples)
Let’s visualise the distribution; we would see if a customer has a 50% chance of defaulting on any given payment.
= create_late_fee_distribution(late_payment_probability = 0.5)
"total_fees"],kde=False, norm_hist=True, bins=np.arange(10,70,1))
sns.distplot(samples['Histogram of late fees')
plt.ylabel('Late fee (AUD)')
plt.xlabel( plt.show()
Categorical Model
One solution to enable us to sample faster is to capture the output from the direct model, which precisely models the underlying process, and to create a surrogate model. This model uses a categorical distribution to efficiently generate samples with the same distribution.
Using this surrogate model, we can generate 100,000 samples in only 60ms, a 50-fold speedup.
def create_late_fee_surrogate_distribution(late_fee_samples):
= np.unique(late_fee_samples, return_counts=True)
unique, counts
= {}
categorical_map for i in range(len(unique)):
= unique[i]
with pm.Model() as categorical_fee_model:
= pm.Categorical('late_fee_distribution_categorical',counts)
return(categorical_fee_model, categorical_map)
def generate_samples(categorical_fee_model, categorical_map):
with categorical_fee_model:
= pm.sample_prior_predictive(samples=100_000)
= np.zeros_like(samples["late_fee_distribution_categorical"])
for i in range(len(categorical_map.keys())):
"late_fee_distribution_categorical"] == i] = categorical_map[i]
= create_late_fee_surrogate_distribution(samples["total_fees"])
categorical_fee_model, categorical_map
= generate_samples(categorical_fee_model, categorical_map)
'Histogram of late fees')
plt.title('Relative Frequency')
plt.ylabel('Late fee (AUD)')
plt.xlabel(=False, norm_hist=True, bins=np.arange(10,70,1))
sns.distplot(late_fee_samples,kde plt.show()
Grid Evaluation
We can now find the average late fee under different combinations of late payment probability and average transaction size.
First, let’s create a dictionary of categorical models to draw new samples quickly.
= {}
fee_models for late_payment_probability_percent in range(0, 101,5):
= create_late_fee_distribution(late_payment_probability = late_payment_probability_percent/100.0)
samples = create_late_fee_surrogate_distribution(samples["total_fees"]) fee_models[late_payment_probability_percent]
Now it’s time to generate the grid.
def perform_parametric_study(transaction_value_sampling_function):
= np.zeros((21,20))
grid for average_transaction_value_aud in range(50,250,10):
= transaction_value_sampling_function(average_transaction_value_aud)
transaction_value_samples for late_payment_probability_percent in range(0, 101,5):
= fee_models[late_payment_probability_percent]
categorical_fee_model, categorical_map
#Draw a distribution of late fees
= generate_samples(categorical_fee_model,categorical_map)
#Limit the late fees to be at at most 25% of the transaction value
= np.minimum(late_fee_samples, 0.25*transaction_value_samples)
late_fees #And at least $10 AUD
= np.maximum(late_fees,10)
= np.mean(late_fees)
int(late_payment_probability_percent/5), int((average_transaction_value_aud-50)/10)] = mean_late_fee
def visualise_grid(grid,title):
= range(50,250,10)
x_axis_labels = range(0, 101,5)
=x_axis_labels, yticklabels=y_axis_labels,cbar_kws={'label': 'Average late fee (AUD)'},annot=True)
sns.heatmap(grid,xticklabels'Average Transaction Value (AUD)')
plt.xlabel('Probability of late payment on any transaction (%)')
plt.title(title) plt.show()
One of the big unknowns is the distribution of the transactions where there are late payments. To provide some robustness in our modelling, I’m using two different families of distributions.
- The Exponential distribution
- The Half Normal distribution
I will generate distributions with means in the range of 50-250 AUD for each family of distributions.
This, in turn, will help provide conservatism and robustness to our modelling.
Exponential distribution
= np.linspace(0, 1500,1500)
x for average_transaction_value_aud in range(50,250,10):
= st.expon.pdf(x, scale = average_transaction_value_aud )
pdf ='k',alpha=0.5)
plt.plot(x, pdf,color'Transaction Value (AUD')
plt.xlabel('Relative Frequency')
plt.ylabel( plt.show()
def create_exponential_transaction_value_samples(average_transaction_value_aud):
with pm.Model() as transaction_value_model:
= pm.Bound(pm.Exponential, upper=1_500.0)('transaction_value_aud', lam = 1/average_transaction_value_aud)
transaction_value_aud = pm.sample_prior_predictive(samples=100_000)
transaction_value_samples = transaction_value_samples['transaction_value_aud']
transaction_value_samples return(transaction_value_samples)
= perform_parametric_study(create_exponential_transaction_value_samples)
exponential_grid 'Parametric study of late fees') visualise_grid(exponential_grid,
Half Normal Distribution
= np.linspace(0, 1500,1500)
x for average_transaction_value_aud in range(50,250,10):
= average_transaction_value_aud * np.sqrt(np.pi) / np.sqrt(2)
sigma = st.halfnorm.pdf(x, scale=sigma)
pdf ='k',alpha=0.5)
plt.plot(x, pdf,color'Transaction Value (AUD')
plt.xlabel('Relative Frequency')
plt.ylabel( plt.show()
def create_halfnormal_transaction_value_samples(average_transaction_value_aud):
= average_transaction_value_aud * np.sqrt(np.pi) / np.sqrt(2)
sigma with pm.Model() as transaction_value_model:
= pm.Bound(pm.HalfNormal,lower=0, upper=1_500.0)('transaction_value_aud', sigma = sigma)
transaction_value_aud = pm.sample_prior_predictive(samples = 100_000)
transaction_value_samples = transaction_value_samples['transaction_value_aud']
transaction_value_samples return(transaction_value_samples)
= perform_parametric_study(create_halfnormal_transaction_value_samples)
halfnormal_grid 'Parametric study of late fees') visualise_grid(halfnormal_grid,
Updating our Priors
In a previous post, we developed a model for calculating the distribution of transactions attracting late fees. One of the assumptions we used was that the average late fee was uniformly distributed between 10 AUD and 68 AUD.
Given what we now know, we can find a more realistic distribution. I’ve chosen to go with Half Normal, which fits quite well.
= np.stack([halfnormal_grid, exponential_grid]).ravel()
= st.halfnorm.fit(late_fees_aggregated)
offset, std
print('Offset: {:0.2f}, Standard Deviation: {:0.2f}'.format(offset,std))
=st.halfnorm, kde=False, bins = np.arange(10,68,5))
sns.distplot(late_fees_aggregated,fit'Relative Frequency')
plt.ylabel('Average late fee (AUD)')
plt.xlabel( plt.show()
Offset: 10.00, Standard Deviation: 14.30
We can also find the average late fee (21.7 AUD).
arviz.stats.stats_utils - WARNING - Shape validation failed: input_shape: (1, 840), minimum_shape: (chains=2, draws=4)
mean | sd | hpd_3% | hpd_97% | mcse_mean | mcse_sd | ess_mean | ess_sd | ess_bulk | ess_tail | r_hat | |
x | 21.673 | 8.264 | 10.0 | 36.41 | 2.541 | 1.849 | 11.0 | 11.0 | 10.0 | 40.0 | NaN |
Now let’s re-do the model from this post, except now using an updated distribution for the late fee:
with pm.Model() as model:
= pm.Uniform('underlying_sales_aud', lower=5.24715*10**9, upper=5.247249*10**9)
= pm.Uniform('late_fees_rev', lower=46.05 * 10**6, upper=46.149 * 10**6)
= pm.Uniform('average_transaction_value', lower=144.50, upper=154.49)
#The updated distribution
= 10 + pm.HalfNormal('average_late_fee',sigma = 14.298)
= pm.Deterministic('number_of_transactions', underlying_sales_aud / average_transaction_value_aud)
= pm.Deterministic('late_payment_rate',late_fees_rev_aud / (number_of_transactions * average_late_fee_aud))
We can now sample this distribution and find an updated distribution.
with model:
= pm.sample_prior_predictive(samples=50_000, random_seed=0) samples
100*samples["late_payment_rate"], kde=False, norm_hist=True, bins=100)
sns.distplot('Distribution of frequency of late payements (%)')
plt.title('Percentage of transactions with late payment (%)')
plt.xlabel('Relative Frequency')
plt.ylabel( plt.show()
100*samples["late_payment_rate"]) pm.summary(
arviz.stats.stats_utils - WARNING - Shape validation failed: input_shape: (1, 50000), minimum_shape: (chains=2, draws=4)
mean | sd | hpd_3% | hpd_97% | mcse_mean | mcse_sd | ess_mean | ess_sd | ess_bulk | ess_tail | r_hat | |
x | 7.11 | 2.644 | 3.011 | 12.23 | 0.012 | 0.008 | 50870.0 | 50799.0 | 50628.0 | 49878.0 | NaN |
Based on our analysis and making some conservative assumptions, we can see that the average late fee is likely 10 to 36 AUD.
If we use the distribution of late fees as an updated input to the model we developed in this post, we find that between 3 and 12% of transactions are attracting late fees. Overall, our best estimate is 7%.